Can I start my own business without a degree?

Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss? Or building up a company and have people work for you, allowing more time for family or having fun?

For many people the thought of going into work and doing the same job every day, and feeling like you never get paid enough, or appreciated is depressing.

Why not be your own boss?

There are so many opportunities out there, everything from a cleaning service, landscaping, bookkeeping, painting, writing, plumbing, masonry, just to name a few.

Starting your own business can be daunting. But mapping out a solid and realistic plan will make your endeavors easier and successful.

Decide what skills you have, or can learn

Investigate the field. Is there a need for your services? How much money do other companies charge? What can I charge?

What equipment or supplies will I need? Do I need an office or a vehicle? Can I use my house as an office or my can as a work vehicle?

How will I get clients or businesses? What will my business cards look like? Will I use social media?

Degree vs work ethic

Oftentimes, people who go to college earn degrees for a career they never pursue. Employees more and more, seek out good reliable work ethic rather than degrees.

Work experience, colleague relations, reliability, hard work, and the ability to listen and follow instructions can be some of the greatest skills one can possess. None of these qualities require a degree.

Therefore, the success and survival of your own small business depend on your work ethic, not a degree.


Seek out forums and videos online as to how to start your own company. Listen to other people’s experiences and learn from their mistakes and successes. If you have a full-time job, there is no pressure to quit tomorrow, why not start with a side hustle?

If the side hustle starts to make money, consider taking it to the next level, cutting back hours at your regular job, or hiring family members to work a few hours for you.

Remember, Roman was not built in a day. The same goes for any company. Careful and realistic planning is vital to your success. Remember to record all your expenses and costs for tax time. Calculate what you want to earn per hour or week. Is it possible? How big will the company need to be, to be successful? What are the risks? Do I need liable or accident insurance?

You don’t need a degree to be successful, you need good planning and a good work ethic.

Now go and get it!

Tips for Starting a Family-Owned Business

There are several reasons that people decide to start a family-owned business. People like the idea of working and building something with their families. They also want to build wealth. If you want to start a family-owned business, then you will need to take the following steps.

Develop a Plan

No business ever became a success without having a plan in place. This plan should be as detailed as possible. The more detailed a plan is, the easier it will be for you to follow. The business plan should define the roles of every person in the business. It should also stipulate how much every person is going to be compensated. The plan should also include a succession plan. This will designate who will take over the business if the primary person or persons can no longer run the business.

Assess Strengths And Weaknesses

One of the benefits of having a family business is that you will have multiple people who bring something different to the table. It is a good idea for you to assess everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. This will allow them to make the most of their talents. It will also help the business.

Set Some Ground Rules

It can be challenging to work with family because it is easy to mix business and personal relationships. That is why it is important for you to set some ground rules. Family issues should not be discussed during business hours. Likewise, if you are out to dinner with family, you should not be talking about business matters. You should also hire people other than family. Both family and non-family workers should be treated the same.

Additionally, it is a good idea for you to get outside help. People can help you with things like retirement plans, health insurance, employee benefits, and employee documents.


Communication is one of the keys to having a successful business. Your family members need to know what is expected of them. You should also let them know that they can always talk to you about issues that they are having.

Put Everything in Writing

Most agreements are not considered binding if they are not put in writing. That is why if you make any agreement with your employees, then you will need to put it in a contract. Your employees need to understand what is expected of them.

Require Outside Experience

You should not hire someone just because they are your family member. They should have experience in a related industry. This will ensure that you are hiring people who are right for your business.

For an example of a successful family-owned business visit

How to Find The Right Niche for Your Small Business

Many people are struggling to start their businesses because they cannot find their niche. It doesn’t have to be difficult for you to find your niche. You can consider the following things.

Identify Your Passions And Interests
It will be easier for you to build a business if you build it around your interests and passions. Make a list of the things that interest you. It is also a good idea for you to keep the following things in mind when you are trying to find a niche. What do I like to do in my spare time? What type of books and magazines do I like to read? What organizations and clubs do I belong to? The answers to those questions will help you find your interests and passions.

Find Out If There Is A Market for the Niche
It isn’t enough for you to simply have a passion for something. There has to be a market for your niche. You can do a Google search to find out if there is a market for your niche. As long as there is a market for your niche, you will probably be able to make money from it.

Find Out About Your Competition
Contrary to popular belief, competition isn’t a bad thing. However, for you to make money, you have to be able to separate yourself from the competition. You might want to provide a very specific service such as natural stone cleaning and sealing. Find out more about the businesses that you will compete with by checking out their website. For instance, is a website describing a niche service that stands apart from general cleaning companies. 

Identify the Problem
Many people choose a business because they have a specific problem that they want to solve. For example, you are interested in starting a skincare business. You should focus on the skincare problems that can potentially be solved with the products. If you are offering water or fire damage restoration services, you should research your area to find out which services are most often required. 

Find a Target Customer
Every business wants to have as many customers as possible. However, you may get better results if you target specific customers. How old do you want your customers to be? What income level are you targeting? What challenges do they have? How do you want to help them? What are their interests? Those are some of the questions that you should keep in mind.

Market to the Right Audience
Once you have found your target audience, you will need to market to them. Promote your product and service on social media. You will also need to promote your products offline. You can attend networking events and hand out business cards in various places.


Is Carpet Cleaning a Profitable Business?

If you are looking for a good company to start and want something that will bring both profit and security, consider providing carpet cleaning services. It may seem novel, but carpet cleaning is a valuable need. Businesses and residents have carpet in their areas and when people come inside, they track whatever is outside in with them on their shoes. Over time, the carpet will become dingy and dull in color. And, depending upon the volume of the foot traffic, it can even become suppressed and make a path in the area.

Why Should People Get Their Carpets Cleaned?
As was previously said, carpets over time will become dirty and pressed down. By hiring a carpet cleaning crew, their machines and shampoo will bring back the luster it once had. It will revitalize the color and remove the dirt it has been catching over the years of use. For parts that have been worn down due to foot trafficking, the service will be able to rejuvenate the fibers in the carpet and help it to get some of its bounce back. This isn’t a guarantee to completely get rid of the trampled lane, but it will help.

shadow image of a man cleaning carpet

What Should You Go Into Business Carpet Cleaning?
Carpet cleaning is a lucrative business as it has both residential and commercial applications. Businesses will pay top dollar for a service that can come in and keep their property looking its best. And basing the price on the amount of space covered and the intensity of the treatment, a single job can range to over $500 a visit. For residential needs, cleaning carpets is equally as important in houses with big families or even pets. All feet bring in dirt and can ruin or stain your carpets. Offering to clean them will bring about loyal customers who will see your help for those special get-togethers.

What Items Will You Need?
You must make sure you have the right tools when starting your business. You will need more than just the solutions and shampoos used to clean with. You will want machines that fit the volume of the work to be done. Carpet Cleaning Machines should be portable and not cumbersome. They come in many different shapes and sizes to fit the needs of commercial and residential alike. There are also portable extractors which are more like pushcarts that do most of the work for you. Also, consider adding a tile and grout cleaning machine to expand the areas in which you can clean when seeking to work in the commercial area.


Steps to Get Your Company on Track

Even though running a business is risky, there are ways to turn things around, some of which are discussed below.

Identify Priorities
Identify the important tasks for the business’s success and make those the main focus of the year ahead.

Assess Finances
It essential to take a step back and evaluate your finances. This helps decide which expenses are taking too much of your resources and which ones require more.

Research Opportunities For Growth
With so much novel technology coming to the forefront, make use of a few that can help with the growth of the business

Indian Entrepreneurs Success Stories that will inspire you

Anand Mahindra
Anand Mahindra is an Indian entrepreneur who is the chairperson of Mahindra & Mahindra, which he took over from his grandfather Jagadish Chandra Mahindra. The business tycoon has over 1.6 billion USD to his name and was featured in the top 50 World Leaders by Fortune Magazine.

Gautam Adani
Gautam Adani is a billionaire industrialist and is the founder and president of the Adani Group of companies. His net worth is almost 16 billion USD, and he has his hands in several businesses such as construction, textiles, energy, defence, agriculture etc.